Clindamycin Capsule / Injections Price And Quantity
1 Box
2200 INR/Sheet
Product Description
Used to treat infections with Anaerobic Bacteria Likea 300 600 Clindamycin CAPSULE / INJECTION Reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria and maintain the effectiveness of Clindamycin HCI and other antibacterial drugs. Tsrpeoactinetratriodlnsiecrirrase:roilpeht reu;tcooscecnsitive anaerobic bacteria, such as flacteroides species, Peptostreptococcus. anaerobic streptococci. Clostridium seDusiCectjrhuet°eTTlveV'tPiileae°b;:rsTl(sta1nPcludll?:1g.inase.Pr'ducing staphylococci, streptococci andPret;ococi)ventepa1i I intolerant oOrheorgas:esisantt:01 (staphylococci, Treatment of to=;:urrensoricoyns=roonvveccri,,,pneumoniaonaiiapiyn patients with AIDS. Clindamycin in combination with primaguine may be used in patients who are For prophylaxis against alpha.hemolytic (viridans group, streptococci before dental. oral and upper respiratory tract surgery. IkeaTreat or prevent Infection